On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Bernd Eggink <mono...@sudrala.de> wrote:
> I tried that, didn't help. Actually I think the whole suspend-resume thing
> is a red herring. All tests I made showed that suspending and resuming does
> _not_ harm the connection, but _disconnecting_ does. In most cases after
> disconnecting the device I couldn't get a connection again, until the next
> boot. So the problem might be that after a disconnection the device is not
> properly reset to initial state.
> Also weird is the fact that when connecting times out, disabling (-d) also
> times out, resetting (-r) is not possible ("Cannot reset the modem:
> operation not supported") and simple-status says "state: connected" (!)

Which Sierra model is this? Can you get us "lsusb -v "of the device
and "mmcli -m 0" output?

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