On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 1:31 PM, Colin Helliwell
<colin.helliw...@ln-systems.com> wrote:
> I'm back on this, trying to do it properly. I've removed by mod to 
> mm-plugin.c, and added a udev tag
> mm_plugin_create (void)
> {
>     static const gchar *subsystems[] = { "tty", "net", "usb", NULL };
>     static const gchar *vendor_strings[] = { "cinterion", "siemens", NULL };
>     static const guint16 vendor_ids[] = { 0x1e2d, 0x0681, 0 };
>     static const gchar *drivers[] = { "linmux", NULL };
>     static const MMAsyncMethod custom_init = {
>         .async  = G_CALLBACK (cinterion_custom_init),
>         .finish = G_CALLBACK (cinterion_custom_init_finish),
>     };
>     static const gchar *udev_tags[] = {
>         "ID_MM_CINT_LINMUX",
>         NULL
>     };
>     return MM_PLUGIN (
>         g_object_new (MM_TYPE_PLUGIN_CINTERION,
>                       MM_PLUGIN_NAME,                   "Cinterion",
>                       MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_SUBSYSTEMS,     subsystems,
>                   MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_UDEV_TAGS,  udev_tags,
>                       MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_VENDOR_STRINGS, vendor_strings,
>                       MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_VENDOR_IDS,     vendor_ids,
>                       MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_DRIVERS,        drivers,
>                       MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_AT,             TRUE,
>                       MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_QMI,            TRUE,
>                       MM_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_INIT,            &custom_init,
>                       NULL));
> }
> i.e. I've left in, for now, the MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_DRIVERS/drivers additions.
> ENV{ID_MM_CINT_LINMUX}="1" is added to the udev rules, and everything 
> reloaded.
> Which puts me back to getting
> [src/mm-plugin.c:251] apply_pre_probing_filters(): (Cinterion) [ttyMux1] 
> filtered as couldn't retrieve drivers
> What would be the neatest way to address this?

Does it go on if you remove the MM_PLUGIN_ALLOWED_DRIVERS check?

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