​> This is getting a bit out of hands :)

I felt the same :)

> So, yes, if the module powers off the SIM slot during CFUN=4 we won't
> get #QSS events, that's understandable. But... what would happen if we
> go to low power mode and switch the SIM card with a different one? We
> would be gettting #QSS=1 later on after CFUN=1 and we would assume
> nothing had happened, and that would be wrong as the SIM is different.

We would be getting it in any case, even keeping the same SIM, so it does
not give us any valuable information and can be ignored as well as the

> Note that this issue is again unrelated to the actual hot sim swapping
> logic implemented; but now that we're starting to support hot sim
> swapping, we should probably also check that usecase. At the end Telit
> isn't the only module that may power off SIM Card during low power
> mode.
> So, how about a manual check to validate whether the SIM is different
> or not?, e.g comparing whether the old property values we got before
> the low power mode are still the same ones now after the power up...

I understand, but I think that it is not strictly related to power low as
well and it should not be taken into account there. Maybe a SIM power OFF
mode? I do not know if this make any sense, but I see it more logic.

Ideally, the modem should notify that is going to shut the SIM OFF, then
the Core can manage it, e.g. checking if something changed as you said,
when the SIM will be swiched ON again.​
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