Hi Oskar,

On Wed, 12 May 2021 at 00:06, Oskar Stenman <os...@cetex.se> wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback!
> I tried compiling that cuskit patch, but my laptop crashed and no matter what 
> i did i ended up with segfaults. Apparently i've been hit by a kernel-bug 
> which sidetracked me about 10 hours:
> https://lkml.org/lkml/2021/5/9/67
> No wonder the produced binaries were throwing segfaults and my browser 
> suddenly bailed out.. When inspecting stuff manually lots of the data written 
> recently was just utter garbage..
> With that sorted (reverted the mentioned commit, cloned git repos again) I 
> patched mainline libqmi with the two commits you had, compiled and installed 
> everything into default prefix /usr/local.
> After that i could run:
> $ sudo qmicli -p -d /dev/wwan0p2MBIM --device-open-mbim 
> --dms-dell-cuskit-unlock=00
> [11 maj 2021, 23:42:36] -Warning ** [/dev/wwan0p2MBIM] couldn't detect 
> transport type of port: couldn't detect device driver
> [11 maj 2021, 23:42:36] -Warning ** [/dev/wwan0p2MBIM] requested MBIM mode 
> but unexpected transport type found
> [/dev/wwan0p2MBIM] Successfully run Dell cuskit unlock
> I've attached the log from ModemManager and i can see a ton of stuff 
> happening after i send that command with cuskit, but i haven't had time to go 
> through it in detail yet. I did see "registered" in the logs though so i'm 
> hoping we're making progress, although I don't know for sure..
> For some reason NetworkManager isn't detecting the interface so i can't test 
> it. (I tried simple-connect with modem-manager but that failed, seems like 
> simple-connect isn't supported by the card?)
> I have tried adding a GSM connection:
> $ nmcli conn add type gsm ifname mhi_mbim0 con-name wwan gsm.apn data.tre.se 
> gsm.pin 7470

AFAIK, ifname is the name of the 'logical' network device, as reported
by `nmcli d`. ModemManager uses the name of the 'primary' port to
expose the modem/WWAN, so in your case, I assume you should point to
wwan0p2MBIM (the primary port), instead of mhi_mbim0 (the network
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