On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 5:15 PM Frederic Martinsons
<frederic.martins...@sigfox.com> wrote:
> I just tested to grow the threasholds_data to have better granularity (I used 
> { -90, -80, -70, -60, -58, -56, -54, -52, -50 } ) and like the comment in the 
> code said, my modem didn't like is 😉
> I got a "couldn't enable signal strength indications: 'QMI protocol error 
> (19): 'ArgumentTooLong''"

Hah, I warned you.

> But, this seems to have enable the polling of signal info and I got what I 
> wanted in the first place (a value updated very 30s) even if the signal rssi 
> doesn't change (stay at -58 dBm).

That's the fallback mechanism, yes. When enabling the indications
fails, we fallback to the scheduled polling logic.

> I'm wondering if there is a way to cleanly enable polling and don't rely on 
> signal indicator (but this will go against the logic).

Not right now, but I guess we could have a ID_MM_XX udev tag to allow
users to say that we shouldn't rely on the QMI indications and instead
always poll every 30s.


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