I am having a problem similar to yours...  Whenever I try an connect to 
Oracle (using DBD and DBI), I am getting a segmentation fault / child pid 
exit error.  But this only happens under mod_perl, and only on one box in 
particular.  If I move the exact same script to another box, everything 
works great.  Also, if I write a command line perl script that talks to 
Oracle (e.g., does not use mod_perl), everything is fine.  I ran into this 
problem once before, and I forget what I did to fix it.  I don't recall that 
it was anything in the script itself - perhaps a setting in one of Apache's 
.conf files?

Throughout my testing today, I am led to believe it has something to do with 
either Apache or mod_perl, and not with any particular script...  Any help 
would be appreciated.

Jason Simms

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