> What I find odd is that all of the sudden people seem to be coming out of 
> the woodwork about this stuff.  Whe I searched through mailing list 
> archives, some of them going back years, I found something odd...  Many 
> people were talking about this same problem between December of last year 
> and January of this year.  No one found a satisfactory solution (at least, I 
> didn't see one).  Some blamed it on pre-loading CGI.pm in startup.perl, 
> while others blamed it on having a PerlFreshRestart On in the Apache 
> confguration scripts.  This seems to be a pretty big deal, if so many people 
> are complaining under so many configurations, and apparently it has gone on 
> for over a year.

core dumps can happen for many different reasons.  why there are so many
these past couple of days, I don't know, but doubt they are all triggered
by the same thing.  if you could follow suit and post a stacktrace from
gdb, that would help.

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