raptor wrote:
> hi,
> Is there Session module that has capability more like ASP::Session
> rather than Apache::Session.(I mean hanlidng the cookies too, Joshua is
> it easy to extract Session functionality from ASP as a standalone module
> :")).
> OR
> what mostly the MASON people use to handle Sessions.

There is no nice way to lift the Apache::ASP::Session
out of the ASP framework, since the event handling is 
all held outside of the module.  If you want the $Session
without the events, just use Apache::Session.  Below is
some init code that may help with your cookie issues, but 
you will have to undo the ASP dependent code obvi.

I don't know how using Apache::Session plugs into Mason
to make the $Session available in any script, but if
you have a pre-content handler init the Session, you could
set $main::Session, and have that available from anywhere
in perl.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 
http://www.nodeworks.com                1-714-625-4051

## use Secret to generate your MD5 hexhash
$MD5 = new MD5();
sub Secret {
    my $self = shift;

    my $md5 = $Apache::ASP::MD5;
    $md5->add($self . $self->{remote_ip} . rand() . time() . 
              $md5 . $self->{global} . $self->{'r'} . $self->{'mtime'});

# combo get / set
$SessionCookieName = 'session-id';
$SessionIDLength = 32;
sub SessionId {
    my($self, $id) = @_;

    if($id) {
        $self->{session_id} = $id;
        my $secure = $self->{secure_session} ? '; secure' : '';
             "$Apache::ASP::SessionCookieName=$id; path=$self->{cookie_path}".$secure
    } else {
        # if we have already parsed it out, return now
        # quick session_id caching, mostly for use with 
        # cookie less url building
        $self->{session_id} && return $self->{session_id};

        my $cookie = $self->{r}->header_in("Cookie") || '';
        my(@parts) = split(/\;\s*/, $cookie);
        for(@parts) {   
            my($name, $value) = split(/\=/, $_, 2);
            if($name eq $SessionCookieName) {
                $id = $value;
                $self->{dbg} && $self->Debug("session id from cookie: $id");
        if(! $id && $self->{session_url}) {
            $id = delete $self->{Request}{QueryString}{$SessionCookieName};         
            # if there was more than one session id in the query string, then just
            # take the first one
            ref($id) =~ /ARRAY/ and ($id) = @$id;
            $id && $self->{dbg} && $self->Debug("session id from query string: $id");

        # SANTIZE the id against hacking
        if($id) {
            if(length($id) == $SessionIDLength and $id =~ /^[0-9a-z]+$/) {
                $self->{session_id} = $id;
            } else {
                $self->Log("passed in session id $id failed checks sanity checks");
                $id = undef;            

        if($id) {
            $self->{session_id} = $id;


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