Is it possible to 'short circuit' some of the request handlers in
        I'm building a dedicated dynamic content server that is getting
some really bizarre input through the URI and it doesn't map to a file,
instead a Translation Handler deals with the request and sets some
variables for an authorization handler that I have running later on.  
Because the one of the following core apache handlers checks $r->filename
before my Auth handler runs... I get 404ed.  What I can do is role all of
my functionality into a single Trans handler, but that's no good and not
something I'm interested in doing (bad programming, esp when you have LOTS
of developers working on the same project).  In a nut shell, how do I tell
Apache that I don't want it to touch down on disk?  Undef the filename or
set the file name to /dev/zero?

        Thoughts?  Bizarre, tweaky, strange, or hacked ideas that have been
floating in the back of peoples' heads are okay and valid suggestions
(either to me personally or to the list).  I can make the ugliest of perl
look legit, so I'm game for just about anything.  --SC

Sean Chittenden                              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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