On this thread, I am seeing a lot of things in the archives hinting 
at issues and problems with Apache::Session ( DBI usage ) and high 
end DB's like Oracle and SyBase.

What sort of success is anyone seeing using Oracle/SyBase with 
Apache::Session. Apache::Session in a DBI context is crucial to our 
development effort so that is a huge factor.

We are also looking at using Mason but I don't see any problems with 
that right offhand.


At 4:09 PM -0500 1/11/00, David Harris wrote:
>David Harris wrote:
> > What about PostgreSQL (www.postgresql.org)? It looks like it has
> > management (commit, rollback) with the whole concurrency control thing. I
> > don't know if has views. I've got a small project that I am figuring on
> > using PostgreSQL for, so I'm curious to hear what people might have to say
> > about it.
>This link was just posted to the IMP list a couple min ago:
>    "Low-Cost Unix Database Differences"
>    http://www.toodarkpark.org/computers/dbs.html
>Stas, this might be a good link to drop somewhere in the guide.
> - David Harris
>   Principal Engineer, DRH Internet Services


Today I sniffed
Many dog butts-I celebrate
By kissing your face.
        -Doggie Haiku

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