John Armstrong wrote:
> Hello all-
>         I just got the word from down high that VC's will freak out
> if they see we are using mysql and now we are looking at an Oracle
> solution.
>         The product is a mid level mod perl application that will
> receive ~500,000 hits a day. I want to engineer it to withstand up to
> 2 million hits per day ( not unique users ).  Does anyone have good
> or bad stories about using Oracle with mod_perl/DBI/Apache::DBI? I
> would love to hear both sides of the coin. I personally think Oracle
> is overkill but I don't have any major issues with it.

My experience with Oracle has been a nightmare.  They don't seem
to support perl officially, so you have to talk in ways like you
are using their native API's.  I found a couple bugs that never
got fixed, even with being on the phone every day for a week.
I don't know what they do with unresolved tar's, but you don't 
get a call back.  I had silver 24x7 support.  You might want
to consider their gold $100,000 license.

Finally, I pushed through the upgrade from 8.0.4 to 8i because of 
a feature they promised, and they took away incremental backups 
from rman saying it was now an Enterprise feature, $10,000+ more, 
so instead having a new 100M incremental update file to backup
to tape everynight, I had a new 4G database backup file to backup 
every night, so that the backup cycles took a few many more hours
than it had before.  

Further the feature that they promised me that I did the
upgrade for ended up being "Enterprise", even though no one
in sales or tech support knew that before, nor did their
promotional materials indicate such.  So I went through a brutal
database upgrade only to find the system a piece of crap, and
Oracle wanting another $10,000 to get it to where it was before.

So, I've been migrating a live system to MySQL for a few months,
and have found MySQL to be over twice as fast as Oracle, and
the support priceless.  I used to advocate Oracle, and have
been DBA'ing / developing for it for years, but I will be
loathe to work with it again.

BTW, I have also evaled Sybase, Informix, DB2, SQLServer 6.5,
Solid, and found Oracle to be the best of all those, but if
you don't need transactions, go with MySQL...

Good luck,

Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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