Greg Stark wrote:
> Actually for web sites the lack of transactions is more of a boon than a
> problem.

We're veering WAY off-topic here, but the fact is you can't guarantee
your data will be in a consistent state without transactions or some
other way to do atomic updates.  Anything short of that suffers from
race conditions.  So, if that's no big deal for your data (e.g. you're
running a message board and who cares if a post gets lost somewhere)
then transactions might be considered unnecessary.

> For example, it makes it very hard to mix any kind of long running query with
> OLTP transactions against the same data, since rollback data accumulates very
> quickly. I would give some appendage for a while to tell Oracle to just use
> the most recent data for a long running query without attempting to rollback
> to a consistent view.

I believe setting the isolation level for dirty reads will allow you to
do exactly that.  You can keep the appendage.

- Perrin

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