On Tue, Jan 11, 2000 at 05:18:00PM -0800, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:

> From my quick look at Registry.pm it looks like there's no way to disable
> the feature where a script will be re-compiled if it changes on disk.
> Is this correct?
> This is a problem if I update both the main script, and modules used by the
> script. For example, adding a new subroutine to a module and then calling
> it from the main Registry script.  The main script will be recompiled, but
> not the module, so I'll get an undefinded subroutine called.
> I'm not using Apache::StatINC - the module isn't in the @INC path at startup.
> I'd like to be able to move the updated script and module into place and
> either do a -USR1 restart or just wait for the Apache processes to go
> through their normal life cycle.  As is, it seems as if I have to bring
> down the server, move in the updated scripts in, and restart.  Not the most
> graceful process.

  May be mistaken but doesn't RegistryBB skip the recompile checks and
just compiles once ? Seem to remember it being 'bare bones' and didn't
do the 'stat's and stuff.

When she hauled ass, it took three trips.

Mike Hall,
Unix Admin   - Rock Island Communications           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
System Admin - riverside.org                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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