On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, Stas Bekman wrote:

> First of all, why holding yet another conference, the answer is
> simple, we want mod_perl to be in the center of the event and not a
> side project. Think about Perl Conference -- mod_perl is just a little 
> part of the Apache track. Think about ApacheCon -- mod_perl is again
> just a drop in a ocean. 
> The rest are full tracks dedicated for each technology, so if I want
> to learn mod_perl I'd spend all the days listening to mod_perl
> speakers so when the conference is over I'll go back with a bag full
> of tricks and a very good push to get me going when I'll start coding
> myself. Having a dedicated track will allow to provide all the
> information that generally being skipped due to the lack of time.

I like the idea of mod_perl being the center of attention.  There are
aspects of mod_perl in which I am very weak.  I'm wondering if this will
fit the bill, though.

In this scenario, we will have a conference with only partial interest in
mod_perl.  With all of these other technologies, we will be able to bring
in funding and support from some big names (possibly Sun, Allaire, etc),
but we still only have a small piece of the pie.  We will have, in effect,
a cluster of conferences.  Also, we will need space for each and every
faction attending (a mod_perl conference room, a Cold Fusion conference
room, a Java area, etc).

Is this feasible?  Will this solve the problem?  I don't imagine a large
amount of cooperation from competing vendors.


J. J. Horner
Linux, Apache, Perl, Unix, Stronghold
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.knoxlug.org
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