Hi everyone-
        I recently upgraded to Solaris 8, and I am using gcc as my
compiler. I removed the perl that came with the os, and recompiled
perl_5.6.0 and installed it.  I need to run mod_ssl, mod_perl, php, and
mod_rewrite.  (I use Apache 1.3.12).
        Using mod_ssl-2.6.2-1.3.12, php-3.0.15, apache_1.3.12, and
mod_perl-1.22, I can't seem to get everything to compile.  The order I've
been trying to use is, I go into the php folder, and configure (with the
command "./configure --with-mysql --with-apache=../apache_1.3.12
--enable-track-vars", then I make install (as a normal user).  Then, I go
into the mod_perl folder, and run "perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1
EVERYTHING=1 SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache
dule=rewrite,--activate-module=src/modules/php3/libphp3.a".  This used to
(under Solaris 7 on Sparc hardware) run just fine.  Now, however, I get
errors when it is trying to generate the makefiles, like this:
"Creating Makefile in src/modules/perl
Creating Makefile in src/modules/php3
Checking CGI.pm VERSION..........ok
Checking for LWP::UserAgent......ok
Checking for HTML::HeadParser....ok
:/etc:/home/schatt/bin:.: Command not found
apxs:Error: Sorry, no DSO support for Apache available
apxs:Error: under your platform. Make sure the Apache
apxs:Error: module mod_so is compiled into your server
apxs:Error: binary `/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd'.
Writing Makefile for Apache
:/etc:/home/schatt/bin:.: Command not found
apxs:Error: Sorry, no DSO support for Apache available
apxs:Error: under your platform. Make sure the Apache
apxs:Error: module mod_so is compiled into your server
apxs:Error: binary `/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd'.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong, and/or how to fix it? I'd really
like to get this working again.
        -Drew Schatt

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