Jonas Nordstr?m wrote about "RE: external access to intranet":

> But doesn't that only pass on the request and then return the HTML-files
> unchanged? I also want to change the links inside the HTML-bodies on the
> fly, so that the users can continue to "surf the intranet". For example, if
> the HTML contains "<A HREF="path/my_file.html">" I want to change that to 
> "<A HREF="https://gateway_server/intranet_host/path/myfile.html>"

It changes the links as well.

> /Jonas
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       darren chamberlain [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       den 5 april 2000 15:32
> > To: Jonas Nordstr?m
> > Subject:    Re: external access to intranet
> > 
> > Jonas Nordstr?m ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this
> > effect:
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > In our organisation, we wanted the employees to be able to reach our
> > > intranet from anywhere on the internet. We have therefore made a gateway
> > > using an extra linux-server, SSL, Apache and mod-perl. We wanted to
> > > translate the incoming URL request, for example
> > > https://gateway_server/intranet_host/filename.html
> > > to an intranet request, in this case http://intranet_host/filename.html.
> > We
> > > then fetch that file using HTTP::UserAgent, massage the links if it is a
> > > HTML file using HTML::Filter and send the response back to the client.
> > This
> > > works fine, but is HTML::Filter the best way to go? Would it be easier
> > using
> > > HTML::TreeBuilder or something else?
> > > I would be grateful for any input.
> > > 
> > > Jonas Nordstrom
> > 
> > Have you considered ProxyPass, from mod_proxy, one of the standard
> > Apache modules (no mod_perl or custom programming required).
> > 
> > Something like:
> > 
> > ProxyPass /intranet_host http://intranet_host/
> > <Location /intranet_host>
> >   AuthName "Intranet"
> >   AuthType Basic
> >   ...etc
> > </Location>
> > 
> > This will set it up so that all request to 
> > http://gateway_server/intranet_host/some/file.html get translated to
> > http://intranet_host/some/file.html (you need to be careful with
> > absolute pathnames on the intranet server's pages).
> > 
> > darren
> > 
> > -- 
> > Jazz is not just smells funny.

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