>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff Stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jeff> Now we are moving even further off topic but I've got to put my
Jeff> $0.02 in here.  :) So what if older browsers might get stuck in
Jeff> an infinite loop.  GOOD!  That's what they deserve for not
Jeff> upgrading their browser.  I've already got to develop DOWN to
Jeff> version 3.0 of the browsers.  Now I have to worry about them not
Jeff> sending the host: header?  H*LL no!  What percentage of people
Jeff> are still browsing with browsers that don't send that header?

What if one of those browsers were a web indexer for AltaVista or Infoseek?
Do you really want that many people to not find out about your site?

It's not about browsers, sir.  It's about the web-dexers.  If you
aren't writing for that market, you are missing a HUGE set of possible

Never piss off a spider. :)

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See PerlTraining.Stonehenge.com for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

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