I am not very knowledgeable but have been lurking on this list for a couple 
of months.
The last week (or two) have seen a number of posts about having two 
Apaches. A light weight front end and a mod-perl enabled back end.  Since I 
do not fully understand what folks are talking about, these all go in an 
archive for me to read later. In the application that I inherited, a front 
ends feeds into a  modperl engine for the database portion of the session. 
All static downloads go to another instance, in our case, on separate hardware.

What are your thoughts about that approach as opposed to your idea?

At 12:03 AM 4/15/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I'd like to start a discussion about the deficiences in Apache/modperl
>and get you feedback with regard to this issue.  The problem as I see
>it is that the process model that Apache uses is very hard on modperl.
>It is very memory inneffecient basically.  Each process of apache has
>it's registry which holds the compiled perl scripts in..., a copy of
>each for each process.  This has become an issue for one of the
>companies that I work for, and I noted from monitoring the list that
>some people have apache processes that are upwards of 25Megs, which is
>frankly ridiculous.
>This is not meant to be a flame, and I'd really like to get down to
>the nitty gritty on how we can solve this problem.  Zach Brown wrote
>phhttpd which is a threaded server which can handle a lot more load
>than apache, but the problem is it doesn't have the features that
>Apache has, and it's not going to catch up any time soon so I think
>it's not going to be the cure-all.  I wrote a very small perl engine
>for phhttpd that worked within it's threaded paradigm that sucked up a
>neglibible amount of memory which used a very basic version of
>Apache's registry.  Once again though it didn't have the feature set
>that Apache/modperl has.  Now to address the issue: I think we have a lot of
>code in Modperl that is basically awesome.  Not to mention the fact
>that Apache itself has a lot of modules and other things which are
>quite usefull.  However I think if it were possible to divorce the
>actually perl engine from the Apache process we could solve this memory
>usage problem.
>Basically heres what I'm thinking might be possible, but if it's not
>just let me know.  (Well, I know it's possible, but I mean how much
>work would it take to institute, and has someone else worked on this,
>or taken a look at how much work we'd be talking about)  What I'm
>thinking is essentially we take the perl engine which has the apache
>registry and all the perl symbols etc., and seperate it into it's own
>process which would could be multithreaded (via pthreads) for multiple
>processor boxes.  (above 2 this would be beneficial probably)  On the
>front side the apache module API would just connect into this other
>process via shared memory pages (shmget et. al), or Unix pipes or
>something like that.  The mod_perl process would have a work queue
>that the Apache processes could add work to via our front end API.
>The work threads inside of that mod_perl process would take work
>"orders" out of the work queue and process them and send the result
>back to the waiting apache process.  (Maybe just something as simple
>as a blocking read on a pipe coming out of the mod_perl process...
>this would keep down context switching issues and other nasty bits)
>One of my concerns is that maybe the apache module API is simply too
>complex to pull something like this off.  I don't know, but it seems
>like it should be able to handle something like this.
>Does anyone know of any program which has been developed like this?
>Basically we'd be turning the "module of apache" portion of mod_perl
>into a front end to the "application server" portion of mod_perl that
>would do the actual processing.  It seems quite logical that something
>like this would have been developed, but possibly not.  The seperation
>of the two components seems like it should be done, but there must be
>a reason why no one has done it yet... I'm afraid this reason would be
>the apache module API doesn't lend itself to this.
>Well, thanks to everyone in advance for their thoughts/comments...
>Shane Nay.

Have a great day!

--Robert Monical
--Director of CRM Development

"The Truth is Out There"

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