No. I have not worked with XSL processers. I tend to use XML SAX parsers as 
I know they are faster and deterministic-- specially Sun's XML SAX Parser.

It could be that the XSL processors are making use of a DOM based structure 
which is causing all sorts of references to other data structures, so Java 
gets more confused about garbage collecting not to mention the extra 
objects that are probably created as it tries to turn every node into a DOM 
object like one huge tree..

However, as with any server (including Apache) I would recommend coding in 
automatic restarts every so often as makes sense under real world load.

I have to say, I've had a lot better success with writing stable 
Proxy/Servers in Java than in Perl even using version 5.005 in Perl. WIth 
Apache, it's nice there is a built in apache server restart model. But if 
you code a pure server with PlRPC, you end up having to code that stuff 
yourself.... I have two sets of generic scripts that I *had* to use or my 
PlRPC server would die. One always makes sure that there is one PlRPC 
server attempting to start after the next one, and another that monitors 
whether the original PlRPC server accepts the connections.

Anyway, I am not saying that Apache/mod_perl or Perl is bad, but I do think 
as a programming language for multithreaded work, it really doesn't make a 
lot of sense (for myself) to force Perl or Java to do what it was not 
intended to do. eg I hate writing web apps in Java and I hate writing 
middleware servers in Perl. But that is my only architectural bias.


At 11:51 PM 4/16/00 -0500, Leslie Mikesell wrote:
>According to Gunther Birznieks:
> > If you want the ultimate in clean models, you may want to consider coding
> > in Java Servlets. It tends to be longer to write Java than Perl, but it's
> > much cleaner as all memory is shared and thread-pooling libraries do exist
> > to restrict 1-thread (or few threads) per CPU (or the request is blocked)
> > type of situation.
>Do you happen to know of anyone doing xml/xsl processing in
>servlets?  A programmer here has written some nice looking stuff
>but it appears that the JVM is never garbage-collecting and
>will just grow and get slower until someone restarts it.  I
>don't know enough java to tell if it is his code or the xslt
>classes that are causing it.
>Yes, I know this is off-topic for mod_perl except to point out
>that the clean java model isn't necessarily trouble free either.
>   Les Mikesell

Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Extropia - The Web Technology Company

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