
On Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 01:55:46PM -0500, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
>         BEGIN
>            {
>            $ENV{EMBPERL_SESSION_CLASSES} = "DBIStore SysVSemaphoreLocker" ;
>            $ENV{EMBPERL_SESSION_ARGS}    = "DataSource=dbi:mysql:session UserNam

according to "perldoc Apache::Session" this should read

>            $ENV{EMBPERL_SESSION_CLASSES} = "FileStore SysVSemaphoreLocker" ;

and maybe (?)

>            $ENV{EMBPERL_SESSION_ARGS}    = "/var/my-tmp/sessions";

for some odd location...

>         use HTML::Embperl ;

and one more Embperl question. I am writing a program that can store the session
data in a data base using Embperl's %udat just fine, but I have too
little influence (imho) on what goes in that cookie, or how to delete
a session cleanly.

What I need:

- several cookies per user eg. to integrate TicketAccess with Embperl,
  using different cookie names and other parameters like path info
  or expire. Eg. getting a cookie in advance on "/tools/login.epl"
  and then logging in doesn't make much sense when the cookie path
  info is "/tools/login.epl" and thus should not be sent to eg.
  "/vault/other/data/show.epl" or so.

- a way to say "logout". Currently, if I grab the cookie and then send
  a new one with expire (1970) to the browser, %udat remains populated,
  and the session data remains on disk. Unfortunately at the next
  page load of anything I still have that same data in %udat.

  Saying "undef $udat{_session_id}" prevents me to log in a second time,
  however, and is thus undesirable. Killing the browser to log out and
  having no way to restart the old session is also not "the right thing
  to do". My current "logout.epl" page looks like this (fully
  experimental misquality). You can easily see at the end of the
  page that I tried to call the DELETE method to remove the item
  from the session store (mysql in my case), but dropped that.


use CGI::Cookie;

    use lib "../config";
    use MyConfig;

# inspired by keystone:
sub killcookie {
        my $cookie = shift;

        $cookie->value ('deleted');
        $cookie->expires ('-1');
        $cookie->path ('/');

# as of perldoc CGI::Cookie

%cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;

$MyCookie = $cookies{$MyConfig::CookieName};

open LogFile, ">/tmp/my.log";

print LogFile "Cookie: $MyCookie\n";
print LogFile "other cookie actions:\n";
foreach (keys %cookies) {
    next if $_ !~ /^\s*$/;

    print LogFile "killing ", $cookies{$_}, "\n";
    killcookie ($cookies{$_});
    $req_rec->header_out("Set-Cookie" => $cookie);
close LogFile;

#undef $udat{_session_id};

$udat{cookies} = \%cookies;

#$udat{realname} = "Not logged in";
$req_rec->header_out("Location" => "$ENV{HTTP_REFERER}");
$req_rec->status (302);

#tied (%udat)->delete;


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