brian moseley wrote:
> what part of the mod_perl api are you going to actually use?
> with the list of widgets you sent earlier, i'm hard pressed
> to see where anything other than $obj->param will be useful
> to you. i don't see where you would get any benefit from
> being "mod_perl specific".
See my reply to Gunther. Basically, I want a leaner (less memory usage)
module to use for HTML generation. I guess I was wrong to say that using
"mod_perl specific" API calls would make it faster. Perhaps one could
say it's "faster" based on the fact that it will use Apache::Request
(written in C as we all know), and it is my understanding that
Apache::Request is faster that

It sounds like this might all be moot anyway once v 3 is

Drew Taylor
Vialogix Communications, Inc.
501 N. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
704 370 0550

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