> > I am testing the use of Apache::PerlVINC but I think I must 
> > do something wrong because I get an error on the PerlRequire 
> > statement in the following bit of httpd.conf when starting 
> > apache:
> >       PerlINC /opt/ward/IDV/DEV/Modules
> >      PerlRequire Ward/IDV/IDVDatabase.pm
> PerlINC modifies @INC at request time to pick up the different version of
> your PerlRequire'd module.  however, mod_perl needs to be able to find
> this module at startup time as well.  you'll need to 'use lib ...' or
> similar so your PerlRequire'd module can be found at startup time if it's
> not already somewhere in @INC.

Ok, I have added 'use lib qw(/opt/ward/IDV/DEV/Modules);' to my startup.pl, 
but now I get the following error in my error log:

Syntax error on line 339 of /opt/ward/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'PerlINC', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not 
included in the server configuration

line 339 is the PerlINC line above. I have 'PerlModule Apache::PerlVINC' in 
my httpd.conf file (I have tried moving it to startup.pl, but that doesn't 
make any difference). Relevant part of httpd.conf attached again.

Any other suggestions? Could it have something to do with my virtual host 
sections (I have more virtual host sections with Apache::PerlVINC stuff 


PS. I wouldn't mind helping out maintaining this module, but I am not sure 
I understand it 100%. (Like why is it failing in this situation.) I had a 
look at Makefile.PL and PerlVINC.pm, though I have to read up on 
DynaLoader, ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Apache::ExtUtils, I think I get the 
gist of it. For instance should PerlINC's 'errmsg' in Makefile.PL say 'a 
path' instead of 'On or Off'? But I presume that doesn't make any 
difference to my situation.


PerlModule Apache::PerlVINC

<VirtualHost _default_:8443>
   DocumentRoot /opt/ward/DocumentRoot


   Alias /idv/ "/opt/ward/IDV/DEV/Scripts"

   <Location /idv>
      Options +Indexes

      PerlAuthzHandler Ward::Authorise

      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler Apache::Registry

      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "IDV Development"

      AuthAuthoritative on

      require idvenv DEV

#line 339
      PerlINC /opt/ward/IDV/DEV/Modules
      PerlVersionINC On
      PerlFixupHandler Apache::PerlVINC
      PerlRequire Ward/IDV/IDVDatabase.pm

   ## This can also go in a <VirtualHost> section

   <IfDefine SSL>
      SSLEngine on

      SSLCertificateFile    /opt/ward/apache/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt
      SSLCertificateKeyFile /opt/ward/apache/conf/ssl.key/server.key

      SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown

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