> try this in httpd.conf:
> <Perl>
> delete $INC{'Apache/PerlVINC.pm'};
> require Apache::PerlVINC;
> </Perl>

Apache start up now (why does mod_perl not do this, can you 
explain?), however I get the following error when trying to 
access a page that contains the reloaded module:


[Wed May 24 09:00:15 2000] [warn] Apache::PerlVINC: reloading 

[Wed May 24 09:00:15 2000] [error] Can't locate 
Ward/IDV/IDVDatabase.pm in @INC (@INC contains:) at 
/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/PA-RISC1.1/Apache/PerlVINC.pm line 


I played around a little bit and found that I have to put the 
PerlVersionINC directive before the PerlINC directive (which 
makes sense looking at the code) and then that works (you 
might want to change this in your example, (and in the guide, 

Thank you very much, your help has been invaluable.


PS. my offer of helping out mainting this module still 
stands, I start understanding it better all the time.

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