> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Sproull [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 11:00 AM
> Subject: NEWBIE: appending to page content
>   I'm relatively new to mod_perl and have been fighting with a
> relatively simple task: appending data to all text/html 
> pages.  So, for
> instance, I want something like this returned to the client:
> ----------------
> <HTML>
> <BODY>
> .....
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> -----------------

well, I'm not an HTML whiz, but I'm not sure about the consequences of
appending messages outside of the ending HTML tag...

at any rate, the examples in the eagle book for appending a header and
footer (ch 4) should get you started.  There's also Apache::Sandwich and
Apache::SimpleReplace that can assist you, should you not want to code it
yourself yet...



>  I've been reading as much info on the web as I can find (and 
> I'm going out
> to buy the book after I write this), and I'm kinda confused 
> as how to get
> the page content and then append to it.  I tried direclty 
> printing from a
> PerlHandler, but that seemed to be just ignored.  Can I 
> access the data
> directly from the request object?  Any help in this would be 
> appreciated.
> Jim Sproull

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