Any obvious advantages of FastCGI over mod_perl? I mean, in either case,
moving over to Apache is imminent. And while I do that, I'd like to go in
for a longer term and better solution rather than time-saving or quicker
solution. So which one of the above is recommended?
>From my previous experience with FastCGI, it handles both Perl and C cgi
scripts the same way. And from what I gather from reading about mod_perl,
this is meant for Perl scripts only.


At 09:56 PM 7/6/00 +0100, David Hodgkinson wrote:
>Pramod Sokke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi,
>> We are running Netscape Enterprise server with cgis written in perl and C.
>> I'm looking at moving over to Apache and start using mod_perl. How
>> simple/complex do you think the process is going to be?
>> There are tons of scripts distributed all over the place here. Would moving
>> over to Apache/mod_perl going to be a simple plug-in or would it involve
>> re-writing lots of stuff?
>For an easy life you might consider FastCGI as a first step too. I
>wrote some stuff on this recently, linked off my home page.
>Dave Hodgkinson,                   
>Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star 
>      Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------

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