DBD::Proxy does work the way you describe it.
I've used it with succes to address MSSQL DBs.
So far, with Access I met a few difficulties with memos
(Access' BLOBs), but maybe I didn't find the way to do it.


David Mitchell wrote:
> > From: Eric Strovink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Write a simple socket interface to connect Apache Perl to your existing
> Windoze Perl script (which you'll hack to set up as a simple server).  Invent
> your own protocol.  Locking issues will come
> > up, but you can manage this yourself with a little creativity.  There are
> pretty good examples of how to do simple socket things with Perl, in the Perl
> books.
> This has already been done! See DBD::Proxy.
> This allows you to run a little perl Program on the machine with the Access
> DB which acts as a proxy DB server, then the client uses
> DBD::Proxy (as opposed to DBD::Oracle or whatever) to access the
> database.
> Never tried it myself, but it sounds cool!
> * Dave Mitchell, Operations Manager,
> * Fretwell-Downing Facilities Ltd, UK.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> * Tel: +44 114 281 6113.                The usual disclaimers....
> *
> * Standards (n). Battle insignia or tribal totems

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