On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Mike Miller wrote:
> Not good for heavy use, but for the 3-4 times a month
> it gets used in production, it works perfectly okay.

There is one significant issue with using DBD::Proxy / DBI::ProxyServer on
Windows: lack of fork. If you're going to be using it you probably want to
either use 5.6 (problem mostly solved) or start several proxies on
differenct ports. Check the PlRPC & Net::Daemon docs for informations
about forking. This is mainly annoying because only one connection can use
the single process proxy at once. Otherwise we've seen no problems with
using it as production method to slurp data from an Access DB into a
RRDBMS (Real Relational Database Management System tm).

Jonathan Conway
Senior DBA

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