I think there was also a very cool British pub a few blocks from the conference

On 14-Jul-2000 Biggs, Jody wrote:
> and once more, you guys probably don't know me, but...
> I remember there were a couple places out near the end of the pier - can't
> remember any names though...  Place at the very end had a separate bar area,
> though it was really mainly a restaurant - the one I recall not as far down
> looked like it was a true bar/pub kind of place...
> I should be getting in around 8PM with three others from my company
>  - Jody Biggs
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, July 14, 2000 11:46 AM
> To: Ahrendt, Robert
> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Vivek Khera; Jeffrey W. Baker
> Subject: RE: ORA conference
> Well, perhaps we should organize an informal mod_perl BOF (Beer's Our
> Friend)
> Sunday night? Can anybody remember and recommend a bar or pub from last
> year?
> On 14-Jul-2000 Ahrendt, Robert wrote:
>>  I know you all don't know me but if you do find someting to do on sun.
>> night (I.E. grab a beer or something). Let me know I should be in town
>> around 10pm and have never been to Monterey so I don't know what's up.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jeffrey W. Baker
>> To: Vivek Khera
>> Sent: 7/14/00 10:52 AM
>> Subject: Re: ORA conference
>> On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Vivek Khera wrote:
>>> >>>>> "MS" == Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> MS> Does anyone know if all the events will be in the program, or
>> should I
>>> MS> start making entries in my palm pilot?
>>> I started to do that, then realized that I don't have a palm pilot and
>>> was actually writing on my palm.  Most annoying, but effective, I
>>> guess.
>>> Anyone comeing to town Sunday?  I gotta find something to do Sunday
>>> night...
>> I'm coming down on Sunday.  I'll be motorcycling, if anyone wants to
>> join
>> me for a ride from SF to Monterey.
>> Cheers,
>> Jeffrey
> -- 
> Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux
> Yeah.  Wait a minute.  It's the guy from TV.  My kid's 
> hero...Cruddy...Crummy...Krusty the Clown!
>                 -- Homer Simpson
>                    Krusty Gets Busted

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

Time to fertilize the lawn.  A couple of 500-pound bags should do it!

                -- Homer Simpson
                   Homer vs. Patty and Selma

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