On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, PHANI MADHAVI wrote:
> we have gone through all the guidelines.... But it is not working. It
> is still trying to search the 'module' in Apache.pm which obviously is
> not defined.

You can't tell much about the Apache.pm module just by looking at the perl
source because it's partly in C.

You should check the standard list of things that usually cause problems
for people:
- Is your mod_perl built with the exact same perl binary that's on your
- Have you tried building mod_perl statically?
- Does your "use Apache::DBI" come before anything else that might use
- Can you verify that mod_perl is working, using the techniques in the
guide at

If all of that checks out, you should send your startup.pl and the
relevant section of your httpd.conf, as described in the SUPPORT doc.

- Perrin

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