if i understand correctly, you should have in your httpd.conf something 

  <Location "/bar">
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Your::Handler
  Options +ExecCGI

then, in your module

  package Your::Handler;
  sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
    my $path_info = $r->path_info;

i'm fairly new to mod_perl, so pls correct/criticize if there's anything 


Cliff Shaw wrote:
> HI all,
> This is my first post to the list so hopefully I don't screw it up.  I am
> attempting to do the following with mod_perl and am stumped on
> ScriptAliases.
> I want to have www.foo.com/bar/ run a mod_perl script.  Simple huh?  yes.
> Except I want to you use PATH_INFO to create directories (so to speak) in
> bar.  So www.foo.com/bar/test/whatever
> would not look for a directory but rather call the bar script and send in
> the PATH_INFO, all of this has ruled out the possibility of using an
> index.cgi
> Any help?
> Thanks
> Cliff

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