I see two ways of doing what you want. First, look in the archives for any 
mod_rewrite threads. They include the succesfully written mod_rewrite rules 
take path information off the end of a string and place it in an environment 
variable. However, I don't know much about mod_rewrite.

A simpler solution, but probably less op efficient, is to use a 
The Trans stage is used for converting the incoming uri into a locally 
piece of data. This is covered extensively in the Eagle Book (Programming 
Modules in Perl & C)

sub handler {
  my $r = shift;
  my @path = split(/\//,$r->uri());
  shift @path; #the leading slash makes path[0] empty
  # mess around with the end of path as you will here...

  my @new_path = @path[0..2];

  # Stick the data you want to save in pnotes, perhaps
  $r->pnotes('MY_PATH_INFO' => $stuff);


   return DECLINED;

Have a happy,


PS How many people out there have one email address? :)

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