On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Jacob Davies wrote:


        If I understand what this does, my HTML Tree can do this by

        <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="first_name" VALUE="" CLASS="value::first_name">

        where the VALUE would be filled in from the value stored in:

                $this->{ first_name }

        where $this is a reference to an object created by the
        associated .pm file and first_name was (presumeably) read in
        from a database via DBI.

> <A HREF="/somehandler?email=<#EMAIL URLESC>">

        This can be done by doing:

                <A HREF="/somehandler?email=REPLACE" CLASS="repl_email">

        and in the .pm:

                $node->atts->{ href } =~ s/REPLACE/$real_address/;

        or just by changing the entire value:

                <A HREF="/somehandler?email=bogus" CLASS="href::handler">

        where "handler" is taken from:

                $this->{ handler }

> <SELECT NAME="country">
> <OPTION VALUE="uk" <#COUNTRY SELECTEDIF="uk"> > The Mother Country
> <OPTION VALUE="us" <#COUNTRY SELECTEDIF="us"> > Some Other Country

        This is specifically supported by doing (example take from
        Apache::HTML::ClassParser man page):

                <SELECT NAME="Flavor">
                  <OPTION CLASS="select::flavor_id" VALUE="0">Chocolate
                  <OPTION CLASS="select::flavor_id" VALUE="1">Strawberry
                  <OPTION CLASS="select::flavor_id" VALUE="2">Vanilla

> I've seen features one & two in some packages, in HTML::Template maybe, but I
> haven't seen the third one anywhere at all.  Maybe I'm missing where someone
> has already done it.

        Yes, in HTML Tree.

        - Paul

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