I think problem lies around line 378 in multipart_buffer.c:

        old_len = blen;

is definitely wrong. It should read

        old_len += blen;

Here's (yet another) quick patch that includes this fix.

--- libapreq-0.31/c/multipart_buffer.c  Fri Aug  4 10:32:35 2000
+++ libapreq-0.31-new/c/multipart_buffer.c      Fri Aug  4 10:30:49 2000
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
        retval = retval ?
            my_join(self->subp, retval, old_len, data, blen) :
            ap_pstrndup(self->subp, data, blen);
-       old_len = blen;
+       old_len += blen;
     /* can't clear subp here w/o destroying retval */      
@@ -407,3 +407,5 @@
     return self;

I've also cleaned up a few minor malloc problems in apache_request.c 
and mod_perl.  I'll make those patches available soon.

Joe Schaefer

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