At 16:37 30/09/2000 -0300, martin langhoff wrote:
>       I'm trying to build a 2 tiered Apache setup, with one light httpd, one
>mod_perl httpd and a mod_php4 httpd, all running on different ports on
>the same machine/IP. Right now I'm solving the mod_rewrite mod_proxy
>stuff (I want the light httpd to transparently proxy requests to the 2nd
>tier httpd daemons). 
>       What I see in the not-so distant future is a hell of a configuration
>nightmare. From the start, this box should be hosting about 30 vhosts,
>and I don't really want to keep them in synch across 3 different files.
>So I thought of using a single monolithic  vhosts.conf with lots of
>IfModule sections. 
>       Is anyone using this directive?
>       Am I getting in a mess? 

It is indeed a bit of a configuration nightmare when vhosts add up (even
though it's well worth the trouble). What I do is use both IfModule to
merge both confs and mod_macro to factor out the repetitive bits. It works
quite well and at any rate the win of splitting into two httpds overweighs
the configuration overhead, but I'm still not completely happy. Half of me
is thinking about using Include to try and break up the conf file into
smaller bits and the other half wants to write something that would help
automate the configuration completely. It's possible on the mod_perl side
if you write your conf in Perl, but it's more troublesome on the plain
Apache side. If anyone has a silver bullet for this (well, I'll settle for
a good solution that makes my life easier ;) I'd gladly hear it.

-- robin b.
Brain damage is all in your head.

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