At 18:03 30/09/2000 -0300, martin langhoff wrote:
>        at least I don't feel alone on this one :) 

Oh no you're not ;)

>        now let me seize the opportunity and (while you're around,
>admitted you're using a 2 tiered apache setup,) ask you if you are doing
>the mod_rewrite/mod_proxy trick, and how were you able to pull it off. 

Most of the sites that I produce have a lot of static content and just a
few dynamic pages and the exceptions are nearly 100% routed through
mod_perl, whichis fairly easy. I don't use mod_rewrite for the former, the
following suffices:

ProxyPass         /mperl/
ProxyPassReverse  /mperl/

Then anything that's accessed under /mperl is treated by the mod_perl
backend. For the latter I use various combinations of FileMatch or
mod_rewrite depending on the setup. It's usually fairly simple.

>        I'm reading the mod_rewrite guide right now and my head *is*

It's quite a good guide but it has to get one's head spinning. Remember the
first time you read about Perl regexes :)

-- robin b.
Brain damage is all in your head.

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