On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Stephen Anderson wrote:
> > There's DBI::Proxy already.  Before jumping on the "we need pooled
> > connections" bandwagon, you should read Jeffrey Baker's post on the
> > subject here:
> >
> http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/breetalwox/38B4DB3F.612476CE@acm
> .org
> People always manage to miss the point on this one. It's not about saving
> the cycles required to open the connection, as they're minimal at worst.
> It's about saving the _time_ to open the connection.

My point was that Apache::DBI already gives you persistent connections,
and when people say they want actual pooled connections instead they
usually don't have a good reason for it.

- Perrin

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