There is an excellent book from O'Reilly called "Writing Apache Modules with
Perl and C".  I refer to it often.  There may be a "freer" way but it's
always beneficial to have a good book to refer to when frustrated...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jimi Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 7:00 PM
Subject: Apache Modules in General

> It is me or has anyone noticed a definite LACK of information on how to
> modify the httpd.conf for the various modules in order to get them
> working??? Why is it that no one has ever posted an actual working copy
> of an httpd.conf file for mod_perl in its various incarnations? Could it
> be because one doesn't exist?
> I have also noticed a large amount of MISSING information regarding
> dependencies among the various modules.
> I think it's all a hoax and no one else can get the stupid thing to work
> either ;)  You know, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Working
> Mod_perl....
> Totally frustrated,
> Jimi Thompson
> "It's the same thing we do every night, Pinky."

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