On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 05:49:05PM -0500, Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
> I'm using
> RedHat Linux v6.1 on an Intel PII SMP box
> Apache v1.3.14
> mod_perl v 1.23
> Apache::DBI 0.87
> DBI v1.13
> DBD Pg v0.93
> PostgreSQL v6.5.3
> The morning after "logrotate" runs on my system, the memory usage
> increases by about 30 megabytes, and continues to do so after each
> weekly run of the "logrotate" utility.
> Has anyone else had this experience? I'd like to rotate my logs
> weekly, but at this rate I'll run out of ram in a couple of months.

This happens if mod_perl is compiled as a DSO, this will not happen if
mod_perl is compiled statically into the httpd core. I believe that this
has something to do with the way perl allocates variable and stashes
them away in static or global variables. If mod_perl is compiled as a
DSO, httpd will completely unload and reload all DSO's on a restart and
cause all global/static variables to be reset to NULL, forgetting all
traces about previously allocated memory. If mod_perl is built
statically, it will not be reloaded and thus all global/static variables
persist and perl will re-use the memory allocated.

Jens-Uwe Mager

HELIOS Software GmbH
Steinriede 3
30827 Garbsen

Phone:          +49 5131 709320
FAX:            +49 5131 709325
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