At 15:10 19/11/2000 -0700, E.S. wrote:
>> on 11/19/00 6:04 PM, Randal L. Schwartz at [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered the
>> > When you're *really* good with mod_perl, you abandon Apache::Registry
>> > and move up to writing handlers or using embedded templating systems
>> > like EmbPerl, Mason, or Template Toolkit.
>All other things being equal, what's the general performance difference
>between writing your own handlers or using a templating system vs. using
>your scripts under Apache::Registry?  I've been running my old CGI scripts
>under Apache::Registry for awhile now, and they seem to be pretty speedy;
>what do I have to gain by doing it the "right" way?

You ask a difficult -- if not impossible -- question. The performance of
templating systems depends on what features they have, and on what features
you use. Comparing them in terms of raw performance beyond the simple Hello
World is practically meaningless. One usually chooses a templating system
based on whether it supports feature x, y or z, and whether one likes the
syntax/model it uses.

As for CGI/Registry vs handlers, well.... I prefer handlers because what I
did in CGI lived mostly in modules anyway, and it fits the way I "do
things" better. If your CGIs are doing a lot of print()s, then I'd
definitely move to a templating system, perhaps in addition to modules
because it'll make your life easier and your code cleaner. Otherwise, if
you're happy with the way things work for you now, don't bother changing.
Just remember that there's more than the content handler if you need
functionality for other things related to your server, such as
authentication or logging.

-- robin b.
Machines take me by surprise with great frequency. -- Alan Turing

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