On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, E.S. wrote:

> All other things being equal, what's the general performance difference
> between writing your own handlers or using a templating system vs. using
> your scripts under Apache::Registry?  I've been running my old CGI scripts
> under Apache::Registry for awhile now, and they seem to be pretty speedy;
> what do I have to gain by doing it the "right" way?

Depends on implementation, and benchmarks, benchmarks... and benchmarks.
Tightly coded modules would be the fastest, and do them in perl perhaps
slowly translating them into C if you really want the
performance. However, flexibility here is last item on the list.

Templating system - written a few and all different, some real fast,
nearly as fast as custom modules others about 2 - 5 time slower, because
they are so flexible.

Apache::Registry - use it only for backend or lowtraffic sites. It does
not cache anything, so when you do databases, and files, can be bad to
horrible to use. Using with small MySQL databases (50,000< records) you
can get mediocre performance, cuz mysql connects require virtually no
setup overhead. So if basically you have bunch of old code you have to
throw up on the web and have no time this is the way to go.

So there,
Bask in the glow of the digital silence.

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