On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:
> On my box, some rough numbers in writes per sec, with doing a
> tie/untie for each write, are:
>   sync writes/sec with tie/untie
> SDBM_File     1000
> DB_File               30
> GDBM_File     40
> Note that on a RAM disk in Linux, DB_File goes to 500 writes per sec,
> but setting up a RAM disk is a pain, so I'd probably use File::Cache
> which gets about 300 writes per sec on the file system.

Useful numbers.  It looks as if File::Cache is the best approach if you
need anything beyond the SDBM size limit.  Maybe some fine-tuning of that
module could bring it more in line with SDBM performance.

If you have the RAM to spare - and I guess you do, if you're considering
things like RAM disks - you could try IPC::MM too.  I think it will be
faster than the other IPC modules because it's a Perl API to a shared hash
written in C.

- Perrin

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