On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Stas Bekman wrote:

> Since we have already started working on mod_perl-2.0, I wanted to get in
> early and provide the base for the one and only source of mod_perl
> documentation. These are the things that I see important:
> 1. *All* pods located under one roof. API, Installation, Configuration,
> Tips, Trick and more.

Is the guide the best place for tips and tricks? Its certainly the best
place for hard-core installation configuration and other stuff, but often
tips and tricks focus on one particular technology. Are we missing out on
having a place to store smaller tips and tricks (you know where I'm
thinking of keeping them...) ?

> 2. Automatic retrieval of pods sections from .pm files and integration in
> the documentation tree.

Is that really necessary? I assume you mean having the Apache.pm docs as
part of the guide, and the mod_perl*.pod files also?

> 3. Automatic generating of html/ps/pdf/other formats. (html/ps/pdf are
> already working in the guide, other formats to come).

What other formats do you think people want/need?

> 4. Distribution within mod_perl or outside of it? (The main point of
> having documentation separated as it may be updated more often than
> software releases.) so this is arguable.

Yes, keep it out of mod_perl. We all love doug but he's slower than a very
slow thing on a Sunday :-)

> 5. Commit rights. Should be available for all mod_perl committers, one or
> more persons will be responsible for keeping the healthy layout of the
> documentation, review documentation commits. Pretty much making it a
> real community project and not Stas Bekman's project.

/me spies the ulterior motive behind that :-)

> 6. Mailing list (or reuse of cvs list) for corrections/contributions

Is there anything wrong with using this list for that?

> 7. The relevant parts from the current guide is to be merged into the new
> guide and eventually freezed as mod_perl-2.0 will become the main product,
> and mod_perl-1.x will be not supported anymore (I suppose a few years from
> now).

We probably need to keep two separate projects, going on what is known
about mod_perl 2.0 so far.


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