Sam Horrocks wrote:
> A few things:
>     - In your results, could you add the speedycgi version number (2.02),
>       and the fact that this is using the mod_speedycgi frontend.

The version numbers are gathered at runtime, so for mod_speedycgi,
this would get picked up if you registered it in the Apache server
header that gets sent out.  I'll list the test as mod_speedycgi.

>       The fork/exec frontend will be much slower on hello-world so I don't
>       want people to get the wrong idea.  You may want to benchmark
>       the fork/exec version as well.

If its slower than what's the point :)  If mod_speedycgi is the faster
way to run it, they that should be good enough, no?  If you would like 
to contribute that test to the suite, please do so.

>     - You may be able to eke out a little more performance by setting
>       MaxRuns to 0 (infinite).  The is set for mod_speedycgi using the
>       SpeedyMaxRuns directive, or on the command-line using "-r0".
>       This setting is similar to the MaxRequestsPerChild setting in apache.

Will do.

>     - My tests show mod_perl/speedy much closer than yours do, even with
>       MaxRuns at its default value of 500.  Maybe you're running on
>       a different OS than I am - I'm using Redhat 6.2.  I'm also running
>       one rev lower of mod_perl in case that matters.

I'm running the same thing, RH 6.2, I don't know if the mod_perl rev 
matters, but what often does matter is that I have 2 CPUs in my box, so 
my results often look different from other peoples.


Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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