i and others have written on the list before, that pushing apache
children into swap causes a rapid downward spiral in performance.
I don't think that MaxClients is the right way to limit the # of children.  i think
MaxSpareCoreMemory would make more sense.  You could
set this to 1K if your server was designated for Apache
only, or set it to a higher value if it were a multipurpose machine.
mod_perl/apache and paging/swapping just don't mix.

Perrin Harkins wrote:

> On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, ___cliff rayman___ wrote:
> > here is an excerpt from httpd.h:
> Good reading.  Thanks.
> It looks as if Apache should find the right number of servers for a steady
> load over time, but it could jump up too high for a bit when the load
> spike first comes in, pushing into swap if MaxClients is not configured
> correctly.  That may be what Sam was seeing.
> - Perrin

___cliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.genwax.com/

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