On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> Bill Moseley wrote:
> > Anyway, I'd like to avoid the repeated queries in mod_perl, of course.  So,
> > in the sort term, I was thinking about caching search results (which is
> > just a sorted list of file names) using a simple file-system db -- that is,
> > (carefully) build file names out of the queries and writing them to some
> > directory tree .  Then I'd use cron to purge LRU files every so often.  I
> > think this approach will work fine and instead of a dbm or rdbms approach.
> Always start with CPAN.  Try Tie::FileLRUCache or File::Cache for
> starters. A dbm would be fine too, but more trouble to purge old entries
> from.

You could always have a second dbm file that can keep track of TTL issues
of your data keys, so it would simply be a series of delete calls.
Granted you would have another DBM file to maintain.

Sander van Zoest                                         [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Covalent Technologies, Inc.                           http://www.covalent.net/
(415) 536-5218                                 http://www.vanzoest.com/sander/

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