Allysson Flavio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> We're developing a web based system here in Brazil for a Telecom
> Enterprise.  The mod_perl was the choice of our efforts create this
> web based system.  We've already develope something in Perl and it was
> the easiest way to work with internet.  But now there is a problem. To
> this client we don't want to put our scripts in their server.  Is
> there a way to put in our client's server only compiled scripts or
> like???  Or can we change Perl source code to decript our files?? In
> this case we already have an algorithm to do the job of decripting.
> If is it possible in what file or module we have to work on???

Generally speaking, this is very difficult to do with Perl.  There are
some modules that may help (notably Filter::decrypt, available at your
local CPAN mirror) but there is no general solution.  Modern Perls
have been implementing a compiler, but basically for any real work,
especially in a mod_perl environment, they are not what you seek.
Maybe someday, but not yet.

Probably the "best" solution would be to use some kind of encryption
or decryption, like Filter::decrypt (be sure to read the man page
fully first).  This isn't perfect, though, as there are many, many
ways to copy the code as it is being decrypted, or to reverse the

So basically all you can do is make it "hard" for them to view the
source, but not impossible.

(There actually may be a FAQ somewhere that answers in more detail;
I'm not sure offhand.)


Chip Turner                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                              ZFx, Inc.
                              PGP key available at

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