wm looks like a home directory.  The default perms on the home 
directory are usually 700.  Try changing that to something like 755 
or even 744 (it may not need execute).

Robert Landrum

>Hi folks,
>Maybe I'm just rusty after 8 months off, but my StatINC can't find 
>files that exist on the system:
>wm ~>tail ~wm/wm/logs/errorlog
>Apache::StatINC: Can't locate /home/wm/wm/perl/WM/Class.pm
>wm ~>perl -e '$file="/home/wm/wm/perl/WM/Class.pm"; $mtime = (stat 
>$file)[9]; warn $mtime;'
>963258607 at -e line 1.
>I thought it might be perms, but:
>wm ~>ls -la /home/wm/wm/perl/WM/Class.pm
>-rwxrwxr-x    1 wm       wm          10357 Jul 20  2000 
>And the same thing happens with Apache::Reload ...
>I'm sure I'm missing something obvious; any clues?

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