
While compiling the Apache::* modules chapter for the book, I've found
that these modules aren't on the Apache::*  list:

Apache::WAP::MailPeek  DBRIAN
Apache::WAP::AutoIndex DBRIAN

probably there are more of them...

Then there are modules that cannot be found on CPAN and probably some of
them should be removed from this list. Note that it's normal for modules
with status i not to be on CPAN. MPB (mod_perl book) marked modules aren't
there as well, which is OK. But what about the rest?

All these couldn't be found on CPAN:

* PerlHandler's
AdBanner        cdpf    Ad banner server                        CHOLET
AddrMunge       bdpf    Munge email addresses in webpages       MJD
BBS             cdpO    BBS like System for Apache              MKOSS
Cachet          i       OutputChain with caching                MERLYN
Dir             i       OO (subclassable) mod_dir replacement   DOUGM
Forward         bdpO    OutputChain like functionality          MPB
FTP             i       Full-fledged FTP proxy                  PMKANE
Magick          bdpf    Image conversion on-the-fly             MPB
NavBar          bdpO    Navigation bar generator                MPB
RobotRules      cdpf    Enforce robot rules (robots.txt)        PARKER
TarGzip         c                                               ZENIN
VhostSandwich   cdpf    Virtual host layered document maker     MARKC
WDB             bdpf    Database query/edit tool using DBI      JROWE
WebSQL          cdpO    Adaptation of Sybase's WebSQL           GUNTHER

* PerlHeaderParserHandler's
AgentDeny       cdpf    Deny abusive User-Agents                ROBH

* PerlAuthenHandler's
AuthAny         bdpf    Authenticate with any username/password MPB
AuthenGSS       cdpf    Generic Security Service (RFC 2078)     DOUGM
AuthenRaduis    bdpf    Authentication via a Radius server      DANIEL
DCELogin        bdpf    Obtain a DCE login context              DOUGM
TicketAccess    bdpO    Ticket based access/authentication      MPB

* PerlAuthzHandler's
AuthzAge        bmpf    Authorize based on age                  APML
AuthzDCE        cdpf    DFS/DCE ACL based access control        DOUGM
AuthzGender     bdpf    Authorize based on gender               MPB
AuthzSSL        bdpf    Authorize based on client cert          MPB
RoleAuthz       i       Role-based authorization                DOUGM

* PerlAccessHandler's
BlockAgent      bdpf    Block access from certain agents        MPB
DayLimit        bmpf    Limit access based on day of week       MPB
SpeedLimit      bdpf    Control client request rate             MPB

* PerlTypeHandler's
AcceptLanguage  cdpf    Send file type based on language pref   ROBH
MIME            bdcf    Perl implementation of mod_mime         MPB
MimeDBI         bdpf    Type mapping from a DBI database        MPB

* PerlTransHandler's    (May also include a PerlHandler)
AdBlocker       bdpf    Block advertisement images              MPB
AnonProxy       bdpf    Anonymizing proxy                       MPB
Checksum        bdpf    Manage document checksum trees          MPB
DynaRPC         i       Dynamically translate URIs into RPCs    DOUGM
StripSession    bdpf    Strip session info from URI             MPB
ProxyCache      i       Caching proxy                           DOUGM
LowerCaseGETs   bdpf    Lowercase URI's when needed             PLISTER
MsqlProxy       bmpf    Translate URI's into mSQL queries       APML

* PerlFixupHandler's
HttpEquiv       bdpf    HTML HTTP-EQUIV tags to HTTP headers    ROBH
Timeit          bmpf    Benchmark PerlHandlers                  APML

* PerlLogHandler's
LogMail         bdpf    Log certain requests via email          MPB
WatchDog        c       Look for problematic URIs               DOUGM

* Server Configuration
ConfigLDAP      i       Config via LDAP and <Perl>              MARKK
ConfigDBI       i       Config via DBI and <Perl>               MARKIM

* Database
Sybase::DBlib   bmpO    Persistent DBlib connection mgmt.       BMILLET

* Interfaces and integration with Apache C structures and modules
Apache          SmcO    Interface to request_rec struct + API   APML
CmdParms        SmcO    Interface to Apache cmd_parms struct    APML
Command         bmcO    Interface to Apache command_rec struct  APML
Handler         bmcO    Interface to Apache handler_rec struct  APML

* HTTP Method handlers
PATCH           bdpf    HTTP PATCH method handler               MPB
PUT             cdpf    HTTP PUT method handler                 SORTIZ

* Misc
Byterun         i       Run Perl bytecode modules               DOUGM
Safe            ampO    Adaptation of "safecgiperl"             APML
Servlet         ampO    Interface to the Java Servlet engine    IKLUFT
State           i       Powerful state engine                   RSE
Upload          amcO    File upload class                       APML


Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/       mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://logilune.com/
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