Ref: using Win 98 / Apache 1.3.14 on c:\program files\apache group\apache  /
Perl 5.6 on c:\perl

I'm trying to get a working Win32 installation of mod_perl using "Writing
Apache Modules with Perl and C" but, as with most O'Reilly Perl books, it's
written for a Unix audience. Apache site doesn't seem to have  any Win32
installation notes either. I have ApacheModulePerl.dll located in
Apache/modules but the book refers to other modules (Apache::Registry) which
come with "the mod_perl distribution". I only found the .dll with the Win32
distribution so do I have to locate these other parts of the distribution

The book also refers to perl.conf on several occasions but I can't find any
explanation as to where this is located and what relation this bears to
httpd.conf which is where I thought all the configuration takes place.

Finally, on p.27 the authors say I have to " ... copy the contents of the
subdirectory into your Perl library tree." Which lib subdirectory and which
Perl library tree? What do I copy from and to where? There
isn't a lib directory in Apache root.



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