I can't help you, but I have been having the same problem.
( I had thought it was because we're running old code - 
  Stronghold with mod_perl 1.24.  I'm really hoping it
  goes away when we upgrade to 1.3.19 w 1.25, or at least
  I can have a better chance debugging it. )

My solution for the hung readers problem is to write
another daemon that looks for them and kills them off.
In order to do this, the daemon uses the /server-status
URL to ask the web servers what processes are in the
read state.

If you want, I can post the code.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Slean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 10:38 AM
> Subject: Apache Processes hanging
> Mod_perlers,
> I have a problem with Apache and was looking for your 
> thoughts on my problem
> or some additional mailing lists more focused on just Apache.
> I have 70 httpd daemons running and some of them just appear 
> to hang.  As
> time goes by, the number of hung processes increases such 
> that there are no
> working ones left to perform real work.  Consequently 
> transaction processing
> performance drops eventually to zero.
> Our web transactions running through these httpd daemons 
> should not take
> more than 60 seconds in a worst case scenario.  Yet, some of 
> these 'hung'
> processes have been on the same transaction for over 30 hours.  I
> originally thought that this was a mod_perl problem and was 
> buried in the
> CGI/Perl routines performing the transactions.  However, upon closer
> inspection, I have found that these hanging processes are 
> also running JAVA
> servlets and gif gets.  This makes me suspect that it is an 
> Apache problem.
> I ran truss on the hung processes and found that they fell 
> into two camps.
> The first group was sitting at a read system call.  The 
> second group was in
> a loop with sigalarm going off every 10 seconds.
> We are running the following:
>    Hardware: Sun Ultra-250
>          OS: Solaris 5.7 patch level 106541-12
>      Apache: Apache/1.3.11 (Unix) ApacheJServ/1.1.2 mod_perl/1.24
>              secured_by_Raven/1.4.2
> Any ideas, thoughts, and comments are welcome.  Thanks.
> Kevin

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